2 weeks ago

See if Recipients Are Reading Your Reports

See if Recipients Are Reading Your Reports

Track the status of all email notifications sent from your account. See who the email was sent to, who sent it, and whether the recipients opened and engaged with it. 

For example, see if recipients viewed this month’s report so you can adjust your follow-up to address any gaps in their understanding. Or, find out which emails bounced or are still pending so you can make sure reports reach the intended recipients.

View Email Activity
3 weeks ago

Help Stakeholders Make Sense of Your Databoards

Help Stakeholders Make Sense of Your Databoards

Add AI-generated summaries to your Databoards to help stakeholders quickly understand what performance is. Summarize up to 10 key metrics at once, and choose how you want the summary displayed by selecting the language, narrative style, summary length, and more!

Use it to

  • Reduce the time you spend analyzing & summarizing data
  • Automatically highlight key metrics and trends
  • Help stakeholders understand their data by providing them with a written summary

Try It Now
1 month ago

Quickly Find and Analyze Unusual Patterns in Your Data

Quickly Find and Analyze Unusual Patterns in Your Data

View historical anomalies (unusual spikes or dips in performance) for your most important metrics and KPIs. Toggle Highlight Anomalies on the Metric Insights Screen to quickly spot spikes or dips that fall outside the expected range. Then, investigate these anomalies to understand what might have happened. 

For example, if you notice a decrease in Sessions last month, you can quickly find the anomalies and dates where they happened. From there, analyze the underlying data in GA4 to determine what might have caused the drop.

Try It Now
2 months ago

Know Which Levers to Pull to Improve a Metric

Know Which Levers to Pull to Improve a Metric

Now, when analyzing a metric or KPI on the Metric Insights screen, you can view 3 related metrics alongside it. This way, you can see what other metrics you should focus on improving in order to move the needle on this one.

For example, if you want to improve Sessions, you’ll also be able to see related metrics like Bounce Rate or Ad Clicks. This way, you can see which levers you can pull to improve Sessions and understand how changes in these metrics affect the main one.

View Related Metrics 

3 months ago

Display Your Ad Creatives in Databoards and Reports

Display Your Ad Creatives in Databoards and Reports

You can now view your Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, and Pinterest Ads creatives in your Databoards and Reports. View your creatives, alongside your copy and metrics, to better analyze your campaigns. 

Use it to:

  • See which ad creatives perform best by viewing metrics like impressions, clicks, and conversion rates side by side.
  • Share visually engaging reports with your team or clients.
  • Analyze how different visuals and copy combinations perform to improve your messaging and strategy.

More integrations will be supported soon.

Try it now

3 months ago

Save Databoard Loops as a Template

Save Databoard Loops as a Template

Now, you can save a Databoard Loop as a template and reuse it across all client accounts. Simply select the Loop template you need and customize it to fit each client’s needs.

Use it to:

  • Onboard new clients faster
  • Make your reporting more consistent
  • Reduce repetitive work and minimize mistakes

Try It Now

3 months ago

Customize Your Forecasts, Then Save Them to Track Them Over Time

Customize Your Forecasts, Then Save Them to Track Them Over Time

You can now adjust your forecasts to account for real-world factors like holidays, seasonality, and even financial events. Each forecast now includes a confidence score, giving you a clear picture of how reliable your predictions are. And, once you’ve made these changes, you can now save your Forecasts to reference them later.

Use this to: 

  • Track how your business is actually performing against predicted performance. 
  • Create more accurate quarterly or annual plans, while taking best and worst-case scenarios into account.
  • Evaluate the reliability of your Forecasts and make decisions with confidence.


Try It Now

3 months ago

New Date Range Setting: Fixed Start Date with Rolling End Date

New Date Range Setting: Fixed Start Date with Rolling End Date

We’ve added a new Date Range setting to help you track your campaigns more easily. Now, you can set a fixed start date, and the end date will update automatically.

For example, set the start date to when your marketing campaign began, and the end date will be updated daily to include today’s data. This way, your Databoard will always show you the entire duration of a campaign, from the start date to the most recent data.

Try It Now

3 months ago

New Integration: Ahrefs Enterprise

New Integration: Ahrefs Enterprise

Connect Ahrefs Enterprise to Databox to craft better visualizations and more comprehensive SEO reports.

With our new integration, you’ll get access to over 70+ metrics to better understand your organic performance and fine-tune your SEO strategy, from Organic Keywords to Live Backlinks.

  • Add 40+ new metrics to dashboards to track your SEO progress over time, or view Ahrefs Enterprise data alongside other data from sources like GA4 and Google Search Console.
  • Create custom metrics like Top Pages By Country, Backlinks by Internal Pages, or Organic Keywords by Page, to analyze how your URLs, keywords, and pages are performing, and find opportunities to improve your rankings.
  • Share automated performance updates via email or Slack to keep your team or clients informed.


Connect Now

⚠️ To connect Ahrefs Enterprise to Databox, you must be on an active Aherefs Enterprise subscription.

Need a hand? Explore our detailed guides:


3 months ago

New Integrations: Pinterest and Pinterest Ads

New Integrations: Pinterest and Pinterest Ads

Now you have all the tools you need to effortlessly monitor your organic reach, track ad performance, optimize spending, and make more informed decisions about your Pinterest strategy.

  • Build comprehensive dashboards to see all of your Pinterest and Pinterest Ads metrics in one place, or to view your Pinterest Ads performance alongside your other paid channels.
  • Drill down into campaign, ad group, or ad performance, and easily filter results by specific keywords to gain valuable insights.
  • Set and track goals for key metrics like ROAS, engagement, earned CTR, and more.
  • Combine data from different marketing platforms to create a custom metric like Total Ad Spend or Total Impressions.
  • Report campaign performance via Slack or email with Snapshots, Scorecards, Metric Digests, or Reports.

Connect now



3 months ago

Apply a Date Range to an Entire Databoard Loop

Apply a Date Range to an Entire Databoard Loop

Now, you can apply the same date range setting to all Databoards in a Loop. Simply select the Date Range you want to view and check "Apply to Whole Loop".


For example, update your Marketing Performance Overview Loop to review data from "Last Month" or "Last 45 Days" across every dashboard in that loop.

Try It Now

5 months ago

Improvements to the Way You Share and Present Reports

Improvements to the Way You Share and Present Reports

You can now embed your Reports into other platforms or share them using a live link. When you do, recipients can interact with the data by hovering over daily values, adjusting the date range on a report slide, viewing annotations, and more. You can also adjust individual slides to a full-screen view.

Use this update to:

  • Share a live link to present reports to stakeholders on a call, focusing their attention on key slides by hiding the sidebar and notes view.
  • Send the link to all attendees so they can further explore and interact with the data after the meeting.
  • Embed reports directly into your client portals, CRM systems, project management platforms, and more!

Try It Now

5 months ago

See Your Most Recent Data by Manually Refreshing Your Databoards

See Your Most Recent Data by Manually Refreshing Your Databoards

Need to see your most recent, up-to-date performance on a Databoard? Now you can manually refresh your Databoards to ensure you’re looking at the latest possible data.

For example, refresh your Databoards before important meetings to present the most current information. Or, visualize the latest spreadsheet data by manually triggering a sync.

Manual refreshes are available up to 3 times a day. If you need more frequent syncs, you can purchase our 15-minute sync add-on.

Try it Now

Need a hand? Explore our detailed guide:

5 months ago

Enable or Disable Public Access for Individual Databoards or Databoard Loops

Enable or Disable Public Access for Individual Databoards or Databoard Loops

Users can now choose whether a Databoard or Databoard Loop is accessible through a public URL or an internal link.

  • Simply enable public sharing to allow anyone with the link to view the dashboard, regardless of whether they are a user in your account.
  • Or, disable the public URL and use the internal link to share your Databoards and Loops with specific users in your account.

All newly created Databoards and Loops will be private by default. Existing Databoards and Loops will remain publicly accessible, but you can switch them to private using the new Public URL toggle.

Try It Now

6 months ago

More Flexibility and Control Over Visualizations

More Flexibility and Control Over Visualizations

With our latest improvements, users can now assign a color to each dimension on the chart, making it easier for viewers to understand and engage with the data.

For example, when analyzing a metric like Sessions by Country, you can choose a different color for each Country. Make Croatia green, the United States blue, Germany yellow, and more. 

And now, you have even more options! You can pick from our preset colors or create your own metric and dimension colors by typing in a HEX code or using a color picker. This means you can match your charts to your brand’s colors or highlight important data with bright colors like red or green. Try it today and make your data look the way you want!

Try it Now

6 months ago

Add a Median Value to Charts and Tables

Add a Median Value to Charts and Tables

With our latest improvement, users can now add a median line to their bar and line charts or include the median value as an aggregation option in the table and pie visualizations.

For example, add the media line to more accurately see where the “middle point” of your data lies. And get a clearer indication of what’s typical in your dataset.

Try it Now

6 months ago

Work Faster, With Bulk Actions

Work Faster, With Bulk Actions

Updating or editing your account just got faster and easier. With our latest improvement, you can now perform actions in your account in bulk:

  • Add Metrics: Add important metrics to your dashboards and My Metrics screen all at once.
  • Favorite items: Quickly mark metrics, dashboards, and goals as favorites or remove them in bulk
  • Copy dashboards to client accounts: Select two or more dashboards and share them across multiple client accounts.
  • Add dashboards to loop: Easily select all the dashboards you want to include in your loop. Then, choose to create a new loop or add them to an existing one.
  • Hide dashboards on mobile devices: Select and hide multiple dashboards from the mobile app.
  • Apply tags: Organize items in bulk by adding tags to your metrics, dashboards, reports, and goals.
  • Delete items: Keep your workspace clean and organized by removing multiple dashboards, metrics, goals, notifications, and more, at once.

Try it Now

6 months ago
data integrations

New in Databox: Amplitude

New in Databox: Amplitude

Connect Amplitude to Databox and get valuable insights into your product and growth strategies. Understand user behavior, improve retention, and optimize engagement with your product.

  • Build dashboards to see all of your product data in one place, or to view your product’s performance alongside other platforms like Stripe, Google Analytics, Salesforce, and more.
  • Combine metrics from multiple platforms to create a custom metric like Lifetime Value (LTV) or Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC).
  • Set and track goals to help increase Active Users or improve Average Sessions per User.
  • Make more informed decisions about product development and user experience.
  • And more!
  • Guide: Using Amplitude with Databox
  • Master Overview: Metric Builders for Amplitude

Connect Now

Or, explore our comprehensive list of Amplitude metrics here.

Need a hand? Explore our detailed guides:

  1. Guide: Using Amplitude with Databox
  2. Master Overview: Metric Builders for Amplitude

6 months ago
data integrations

Klaviyo: New Metrics and Improved Filtering Capabilities

Gain more insights into your email marketing efforts with our latest Klaviyo improvements. 

  • 66 New Basic Metrics: Get a better understanding of your email performance by tracking metrics like Clicked Emails, Opened Emails, Marked Emails as Spam, and more. View the full list of Klaviyo metrics here.
  • Group by Dimensions: Add dimensions to your data to create metrics like Opened Emails by Campaigns or Messages Sent by Message ID.
  • Improved Filtering: Include filters to analyze the performance of Campaigns, Lists, Flow IDs, or Message IDs by keyword. For example, filter campaigns by the keyword “summer”.
  • Guide: Using Klaviyo with Databox
  • Overview: Metric Builder for Klaviyo

Connect Now

Need a hand? Explore our detailed guides:

  1. Guide: Using Klaviyo with Databox
  2. Overview: Metric Builder for Klaviyo

6 months ago

New in Databox: Metric Insights

New in Databox: Metric Insights

No matter your role, you’re probably keeping a close eye on a handful of metrics. While you can track them on dashboards or receive notifications about their performance, sometimes you need to take a closer look at a specific metric to help you improve it. 

With the new Metric Insights screen, you can now access the information about a specific metric from one place: 

  • Visualization: View your metric’s performance over time and easily switch between different chart types. 
  • Goals: Track all goals associated with that metric and monitor your progress toward achieving them. 
  • Metric Comparison: Compare your metric’s current performance to a specific time in the past. 
  • Metric Description: View a brief description of your metric to help you better interpret your results.
  • Performance Summaries: Read updates on your metric’s performance, so you always know how it’s performing.
  • Benchmarks: Compare your metric’s performance against other companies, so you know if you’re ahead of the curve or have room to improve.
  • Forecasts: See how that metric is likely to perform in the future so you can make more informed decisions and craft better plans. 

The Metric Insights screen is available on all plans. However, features like Forecasts and Performance Summaries are exclusively available to users on Growth and Premium plans. 


View Metric Insights 


Want to learn more? 

Check out our blog for all the details.

7 months ago

Compare Your Performance to Other Companies On Dashboards

Compare Your Performance to Other Companies On Dashboards

Charts are great for visualizing trends and patterns, but without a reference point, it’s hard to know what “good” or “bad” performance looks like.

Now, users can add benchmark data directly onto their dashboard, to see how they’re performing compared to other companies. By including a benchmark line in a bar or line chart, users will be able to:

  • Compare performance against standard benchmarks, custom cohorts, or similar businesses.
  • Easily spot areas for improvement and make more informed decisions.
  • Track goals alongside benchmark lines to see if your efforts are moving you in the right direction.
  • Quickly see if you’re exceeding, meeting, or falling short of market tendencies.

Benchmarks are available on Growth and Premium plans. Starter and Professional plan users can request a trial by clicking:

Request a Trial

Want to learn more?

Explore our detailed guide: How do I add Benchmarks to my Databoards.

7 months ago

New in Databox Analytics: Advanced Security

New in Databox Analytics: Advanced Security

Growing teams need more robust security measures, and the new Advanced Security settings can do just that.

What’s included:

  • Forced 2FA (two-factor authentication): Reduce the risk of unauthorized access by forcing all users to complete an additional verification step.
  • Activity Log: Track all account activities, including adding/removing users, creating metrics, deleting dashboards, and more.
  • Active User Session: Monitor who’s accessing your account and where they are doing it from.
  • Login Records: Review successful and failed login attempts to detect unauthorized access.
  • Forced SSO (Single Sign-On): Ensure a more secure login experience through mandatory SSO for authorized users.

Advanced Security settings is available for purchase as an add-on to Account Owners and Admins on Starter, Professional, and Growth plans. Users on Premium plans will have access to all settings as part of their plan.

Enable Advanced Security Settings

What to learn more?
Check out our blog for all the details.

9 months ago

New in Databox Analytics: Benchmarks

New in Databox Analytics: Benchmarks

We added a new Benchmarks feature to the Databox Analytics app. With the Benchmarks feature, users can compare just about any metric in their account against competitors. And:

  • Create cohorts by applying filters like industry, company type, company size, and annual revenue to browse benchmark data based on what matters most to them.
  • Save their most important Benchmarks so they can see in which directions their metrics are moving.
  • Compare Benchmarks to the previous period to track how their performance changes over time.
  • Quickly see how they outrank competitors with color-coded charts – red when they're below the median, and green when they’re ahead.

Benchmarks are available on Growth and Premium plans

Explore Benchmarks


Want to learn more?
Check out our blog for all the details.

11 months ago

NEW visualization types and more powerful charts are here

NEW visualization types and more powerful charts are here

We've added new visualization types and improved existing charts to give users the flexibility to explore the data however they want. 

Now users can:

  • Use advanced charts to make complex data easy to understand - Radial Progress, Spiderweb Diagrams, Bubble Charts, Data story, and more.
  • Add multiple metrics to a single visualization to see how different metrics relate.
  • Change the colors of individual Metrics to make it easier to identify growth opportunities.
  • Quickly switch between different visualization types to find the best way to represent your data.

As part of this update, we've deprecated and transitioned some of the visualizations to the new visualization types.
Read more about it here.

Explore New Visualizations

Want to learn more?
Check out our blog for all the details.

11 months ago

Introducing Your New Admin Hub

Introducing Your New Admin Hub

Managing users, permission, and settings just got a whole lot easier!

With the new Account Management Application (AMA), we centralized all advanced settings in one place.
Administration of the account just got easier:

  • Easily update account details, including the account owner and company information.
  • Add, delete, and edit user permissions across all Databox products.
  • Customize and brand your Databox account with white-labeling.
  • Manage client accounts, including details like account manager, user permissions, client name, and more.
  • Access advanced settings for your Data Source connections. Manage user permissions, metadata, timezone, and more.
  • Enable single sign-on (SSO) to improve security measures.

Explore AMA Now

For more details on how to use AMA, check out this help article.

11 months ago

New Metric Library is here

New Metric Library is here

We have updated the Metric Library, making it a one-stop shop for learning about metrics and integrations directly within Databox app

Search the Metric Library to:

  • Get a detailed description of your metrics and integrations, including troubleshooting guides to help master the use of any integration.
  • Quickly access pre-built Dashboard templates to get ideas on what to track.
  • Find answers to common questions with help articles.

Go to Metric Library now

12 months ago

Performance Screen now in mobile app

Performance Screen now in mobile app

Access the Performance Screen on your phone with our latest Databox mobile app update.

With this latest addition, you can easily:

  • Set up and monitor up to 10 metrics or goals.
  • Receive a comprehensive Performance Summary filled with valuable data insights and growth recommendations.
  • Keep an eye on your Top 5 trending up and Top 5 trending down metrics from your Metrics screen.
  • Stay in the loop with Insights Activity, Data Insights, Account Activity, and Recommended Content.

Download or update your app today:

1 year ago

Introducing Dark Theme

Introducing Dark Theme

Elevate your Databox experience with a sleek and stylish dark interface that reduces eye strain and makes late-night data deep dives a breeze. 

Enabling Dark Theme is simple:

  1. Click on your user profile 
  2. Toggle on "Dark Theme" to enable it in your account. 

Go to my account

1 year ago

Introducing Performance Summaries

Introducing Performance Summaries

You don't have to be an 'expert' to get the insights you need from your data. Our brand-new AI-powered Performance Summary tool makes this easier than ever!

With the click of a button, you can:

  • Use color-coded indicators to quickly assess the performance of your most important metrics, goals, and dashboards.
  • Read a comprehensive summary of your performance to quickly understand where you're at.
  • Get actionable recommendations and ideas on how to move the needle on your most important metrics.
  • Use metric insights to stay on top of daily or weekly changes in your most important metrics and KPIs.

Available on both Growth and Premium plans. Read more about the capabilities of the Performance summaries here.

Try Performance Summaries now
or contact customer support for a trial.

1 year ago

NEW Metric Forecasts

NEW Metric Forecasts

KPI forecasting is important for any business. It can guide decision-making, improve strategic planning, and provide a competitive advantage. But, reliable forecasting can be a complex and costly process. That’s why we are bringing you powerful new feature - Metric Forecasts.

What can you expect?

1️. Adjustable Forecasting Period: With custom periods for previous data and forecasted data, you can select the period of forecasting that suits your unique business needs.

2️. Data Story: Uncover the context behind your existing data in a concise text format, facilitating effortless sharing with your team.

3️. Enhanced Forecast Chart: See a forecast, complete with a confidence interval, alongside your goal line, and effortlessly monitor your goals 

Start making informed decisions based on data-driven predictions with Metric Forecasts. 

Try Metric Forecasts now
or contact customer support for a trial.

1 year ago

New: Databox Performance Screen

New: Databox Performance Screen

Our new performance screen allows you to select and quickly access your most important Metrics and Dashboards and to get some additional customization options along the way.

Here are just some of the things you get -

  • We have merged the Goals and Metrics section - you can now add up to 10 metrics and/or goals. This comes with the ability to rearrange metrics and goals to suit your preferences.
  • There is a new Trending Metrics section, allowing you to easily identify 10 Metrics from My Metrics page with the largest up and down changing trend.
  • All Metrics and Goals are clickable and lead to the Metric Detail page for quick access to additional data.
  • We have also added a new Recently Viewed items section enabling faster access to recently viewed Databords, Databoards Loops, and Reports.

The best part is - we are still not done, we will continue to work and improve on your performance screen experience.

Learn more
2 years ago

NEW: REST API and 30+ Custom API Integrations Available Now in Databox

Pull in data right from within our interface without a 3rd party service.

For starters, we are happy to introduce 30+ Custom API Integrations to help you pull data and create custom metrics on your own (or with the help of our experienced team).

Our custom API Integrations replaces the need for tools like Zapier or Integromat—this means you no longer have to maintain these tools (less logins to track) or pay for them.

Connecting a Custom API integration to Databox is relatively simple. Just log in to the tool from within our interface using OAuth, or by entering your API key from the tool.

Once you do that, you will see a new interface where you can pull data from the other tool’s API and then build custom metrics from the data.

Learn more
2 years ago

New: Weekly Metric Performance Digest

New: Weekly Metric Performance Digest

You can now get a weekly digest of how your most relevant metric is trending, delivered directly into your inbox.

This is a great way for every individual team member to keep an eye on their critical KPIs. You can get the Weekly Metric Performance Digest email for your selected KPIs set up quickly today, and then check the Metric Detail Page for additional information if the numbers require it.

Depending on which data you want to see, you can set it up for last week and get an e-mail every Monday, or for current week and get it on Friday. There are also additional customization options.

The best part is that the email puts your data into context so that you can compare whether your KPIs are trending up or if further effort is needed to get them where they need to be.

Learn more
2 years ago

Introducing Databox Metrics Details Page

Introducing Databox Metrics Details Page

Until now, a metric had to be added to a dashboard in order to view its data. This meant the occasional guess-and-check work to ensure you were choosing the right KPI to track.

Metric Details Page has changed that.

You can now see additional data for each metric by clicking on it. This helps you get insights into each metric you are currently tracking, without adding it to a Dashboard first.

In addition-

You can see an overview of the metric performance over pre-defined time periods-

  • Previous month
  • Week to Date
  • Month to date
  • Year to date

All you need to do is go to the Metrics page, hover over any metric, and click on the “View Details” button.

Read more about this update here.

Learn more
2 years ago

Introducing Databox Reports

Introducing Databox Reports

Here at Databox, we believe that data is about more than just numbers. We want to bring our users even more ways to share meaningful insights. Most of all, we want to help growing teams and agencies take reporting to a new level through the power of automation.

Say hello to Databox Reports.

This brand new feature allows teams and agencies alike to build and automate Reports right inside Databox. You can now—

  • Build custom deck-like Reports within the app
  • Pull dashboards you’ve already built directly into your Report
  • Add context and build a story around that data for your team and clients
  • Automate your entire process by scheduling recurring sends and reminders
  • Email or export Reports as PDFs, making them easily shareable across devices

For those who want to take their Reports even further, the Performer plan includes more advanced features, like: the full suite of slide types (add images, drill down into a single metric, and provide context for stakeholders), plus our most unique capability to date…

… automate the content of your report with dynamic text—what we’re calling “Data Stories”.

Read more about the update here.

Do you have improvement ideas or feature requests? Curious about what’s coming in Databox? Check out our interactive product roadmap that allows you to request, upvote, and stay updated on product updates.

Check out the video to see how it works.

2 years ago

New in Databox: TikTok Ads integration

New in Databox: TikTok Ads integration
The new TikTok Ads integration is live and available for all users. The integration comes with 96 basic metrics and a Query builder which is available on all plans that support it.
3 years ago

New in Databox: Google Sheets Wizard

New in Databox: Google Sheets Wizard
With this improvement, we offer you an alternative option for creating Google Sheets custom metrics and therefore made the flow much easier, and more guided.
3 years ago

New in Databox: Select a Date Range for Scheduled Snapshots.

New in Databox: Select a Date Range for Scheduled Snapshots.

Reporting on your data is usually the most challenging part of tracking your performance,   especially if you have to create multiple reports for multiple people.

But, what if each of your report recipients want to see the data from different time periods without having to select the Date Ranges they want in each report?

Well, now you can choose which Date Ranges you’d like to display on your Databoard when you’re creating a Snapshot, allowing you to send out the same Databoard multiple times to different people while selecting a different Date Range for each Snapshot.

Check out the video to see how it works.

Or read more about it here.

4 years ago

New today: 6 (more) Improvements to Databox Charts are now Live🤩

New today: 6 (more) Improvements to Databox Charts are now Live🤩

Just a couple of weeks ago, we announced a bunch of customer-facing improvements to our visualization capabilities.

Today, we're excited to share a few more. Six, to be exact.

Among a few other things, these improvements give you more ways to compare your current performance to previous periods and let you change the order of your metrics in certain visualizations more easily.

Check out the video to see all of the updates.

For more on these improvements, read the full release here.

4 years ago

New: 11 Improvements to Databox Charts Are Now Live

New: 11 Improvements to Databox Charts Are Now Live

Over the last year, we've been quietly working to add significantly more analytical horsepower to Databox.

Today, we're excited to announce the first batch of customer-facing improvements to our visualization capabilities as a result of this work.

Toggle stacked line and bar charts on and off, add total values to your line, bar, and pie graphs, display comparisons for multiple metrics/dimensions in one graph, and much more.

Here's an overview of all the changes:

For more on these improvements, read the full release here.

4 years ago

Clean-up your unused Custom & Calculated Metrics

Clean-up your unused Custom & Calculated Metrics
To optimize performance in your Account, we recommend that you remove unused Custom and Calculated Metrics. Speed up the process and let our clean-up wizard do the removal for you.
Learn more
4 years ago

New in Databox: Track and Compare LinkedIn Ad Performance by Campaign Groups

New in Databox: Track and Compare LinkedIn Ad Performance by Campaign Groups

We’ve added new Campaign Group metrics for LinkedIn Ads in Databox, allowing you to get even more granular into the performance of your LinkedIn Ad campaigns.

Want to see how specific campaign groups performed according to certain demographics?

Now, you can, by tracking and visualizing 11 popular LinkedIn Ads metrics by campaign group in Databox.

Explore the new metrics that were added and how they can be applied here.

If you have any questions or need help getting set up, you can visit our Knowledge Base, reply to this message or send us a message at help@databox.com and let us know which metrics you're looking to track.

4 years ago

New in Databox: Build Custom Google Analytics Multi-Channel Funnel Metrics & Understand How Your Marketing Channels Contribute to Conversions & Sales

New in Databox: Build Custom Google Analytics Multi-Channel Funnel Metrics & Understand How Your Marketing Channels Contribute to Conversions & Sales

Is Paid Search an initiating or a closing channel?
How much time has passed since a user's first and final interaction?
How many, and which channels, did users engage in before purchase?

With 110 new Google Analytics multi-channel funnel metrics that are now available in Query Builder, you can dig deeper into the conversion path your prospects take before becoming eventual subscribers, leads, or customers.

Check out which metrics were added and read more about them here.

Do you have improvement ideas or feature requests? Curious about what’s coming in Databox? Check out our interactive product roadmap that allows you to request, upvote, and stay updated on product updates.

4 years ago

New: Two-factor authentication in Databox

New: Two-factor authentication in Databox

Want an easy way to keep your performance data even more secure?

We recently added two-factor authentication to Databox, which adds an extra layer of security to protect your account and data.

Setting it up takes just a couple of minutes, and you only have to do it once.

Read more on how to set it up here.

Or watch this short video.👇

Do you have improvement ideas or feature requests? Curious about what’s coming in Databox? Check out our interactive product roadmap that allows you to request, upvote, and stay updated on product updates.

4 years ago

New: Use Annotations to Explain Why Things Are Happening Directly In Your Databoards 😎

New: Use Annotations to Explain Why Things Are Happening Directly In Your Databoards 😎

Why is traffic down this week?

What was that random spike in new revenue last Tuesday?

Questions like these are likely commonplace at your company.

Unfortunately, the answers aren’t always obvious. People have to go looking for them.

Thanks to Annotations, now you can add performance insights directly to your Databoards.

While it’s always been easy to add an Annotation to the Databoard you’re currently viewing, now you can add Annotations to any other Databoard using a specific metric visualization with just one click.

Read more about it here.

Or, watch this short video 👇

Do you have improvement ideas or feature requests? Curious about what’s coming in Databox? Check out our interactive product roadmap that allows you to request, upvote, and stay updated on product updates.

4 years ago

New in Databox: Pull Deeper Insights from Your Facebook Ad Campaigns with 25+ New Metric Types

New in Databox: Pull Deeper Insights from Your Facebook Ad Campaigns with 25+ New Metric Types

How many views did your video advertisement receive?

How many people added payment info after seeing your ad?

With the new Facebook Ads Action Type metrics that are now available in Databox’s Query Builder, you’ll have less questions and more answers.

'Actions' in Facebook Ads track every engagement your ad receives–every comment, like, video view, link clink, add to cart, and more.

Check out which metrics were added and read more about them here.

Do you have improvement ideas or feature requests? Curious about what’s coming in Databox? Check out our interactive product roadmap that allows you to request, upvote, and stay updated on product updates.

4 years ago

What Should Databox Build Next?

Help us prioritize what we build next by adding your ideas and voting for your favorites at our brand-new roadmap website.

At Databox, customer feedback has always impacted our product roadmap. For years, our support and product teams have worked closely together to meticulously track customer requests in our internal project management tool and prioritize the most highly requested features, integrations and metric additions.

With our new roadmap website, we’re taking the next step of being fully transparent about our plans and making it easier for more of our customers to more easily have their say about our priorities.

Based on previous feedback, it’s clear that our customers want to use Databox for analyzing performance at a more detailed level, not just for reporting and monitoring high-level performance.

Accordingly, these are our top priorities in the coming quarters:

1. Implementing Custom Date Ranges for all integrations. Vote here to tell us which ones to prioritize first.

2. Adding new visualization types and improving existing ones. Vote for your favorite improvements or add your own here.

3. Drill down by Dimensions on Databoards. Need to drill down by two or more dimensions to analyze performance deeper? Vote here for this feature.

4. Lastly, vote for new native integrations and metrics you’d like to see us build.

Have another idea? Submit it here.

4 years ago

Custom Date Ranges Now Available for Two Data Sources for All Plus and Business Customers

Two months ago, we launched our new date range selector in Databox, giving you the ability to select any available date range when viewing your Databoards and eliminating the need to pre-select Date Ranges when designing your Databoards. This change was a necessary step before releasing our long-awaited ‘Custom Date Ranges’ (CDR) feature, which will give you the ability to select a ‘from’ and ‘to’ date to view your data within any time frame, as well as rolling date ranges for all Pus and Business customers. This will also allow us to introduce fiscal calendar capabilities to all Business customers. As of today, Custom Date Ranges are available for Google Search Console and Google My Business for all Plus and Business customers. Watch the video below to see how it works:
To learn more about the CDR feature and follow along as we roll out each integration, check out this help document. Enabling you to pick a Date Range on the fly may seem like a small change on the surface. But, to enable our customers to immediately pull data for any possible date range, we had to drastically improve our data fetching and storage infrastructure and rewrite every Databox feature. We also must rewrite each integration, which is what the majority of our product team has been doing for the last several months. Once each integration is rewritten, validated and tested, we begin migrating each customer’s data and their connections to the new infrastructure and integration. This is a massive migration that involves moving thousands of customers, tens of thousands of Data Source Connections, and trillions of rows of data. In order to minimize disruption, we’ll be rolling out just a few integrations per week. Given the progress we’ve made over the last several weeks in rewriting integrations, we expect that our most popular integrations will be moved over for all customers in the next several weeks, which will account for more than 70% of our Data Source connections. To see which Data Sources are already live, in progress or planned next, visit our brand-new roadmap site. To receive a notification when an integration goes fully live, just vote for that integration. (You can vote for as many as you’d like.) As we roll out each new integration, we follow a rigorous testing and validation process. However. if you notice any performance issues or data discrepancies in your account, please report them to help@databox.com as soon as possible. We will continue to transparently report any system-wide issues at status.databox.com and resolve them with the highest priority.
4 years ago

Introducing White Labeling: A Fully-Branded Reporting Experience for Your Team and Clients 🤩

Introducing White Labeling: A Fully-Branded Reporting Experience for Your Team and Clients 🤩

Imagine sharing Databoards with your company’s branding included. Not only that, but imagine that the URL that your team, clients, partners, or other stakeholders use to view that Databoard was branded on your own custom domain.

Or, imagine automating performance Alerts and Scorecards (with your company’s branding) that come from your company’s email domain.

Now, with Databox’s new white-labeling add-on, your company can present its own fully-branded reporting tool. Create consistency, impress customers and stakeholders, and create differentiation for prospects and investors evaluating you against other companies.

Starting today, we’ve enabled new white-label options that are available as an add-on to any Databox paid plan.

For more on how it all works, we recorded this brief video. 👇

Learn more
4 years ago

Building dashboards with Databox just got a whole lot quicker

Building dashboards with Databox just got a whole lot quicker

Today, we’re excited to announce two major improvements that make it easier and quicker to build Databoards with multiple metrics and data sources.

Now, you can:

1. Add multiple metrics to your metrics screen or Databoard in one click

2. Build Databoards with metrics from multiple data sources in just a few clicks with the improved setup wizard

Here’s how it works

Previously, you needed to add metrics to your Metrics screen and dashboards one-by-one. Now, it functions more like a shopping cart where you can add multiple items to your "cart" before "checking out."

4 years ago

Automate Snapshots of your Databoards in Slack

Automate Snapshots of your Databoards in Slack

How often does someone message you in Slack about a performance update for a specific campaign or project?

What if you could eliminate those types of messages altogether?

Now, in Databox, you can automate daily, weekly, monthly, or even quarterly Snapshots to any public Slack channel. This way, everyone on your team is aware of how the key metrics your business cares about are trending without having to dig around for them or distract other team members to find them.

5 years ago
data integrations

New: Track Form Submissions in CallRail

New: Track Form Submissions in CallRail

Tracking the volume of form submissions helps to validate and attribute ROI to your marketing efforts.

Now, with Databox’s Query Builder for CallRail, you can track and visualize Form Submissions along with the call tracking metrics you’re used to.

Which sources are driving submissions? Which pages are generating the most submissions?

You can track all Form Submissions in different time periods, create Drilldown reports showing where the submissions originate from, or use Filters to better analyze data that meets certain parameters. 

With Form Submissions added to our Query Builder, you get more flexibility to customize and extend the tracking of your CallRail data.

View all of the default metrics available with CallRail here. 

Do you have any questions about getting set up or even general questions about tracking CallRail performance?  Reach out via chat or send us a message at help@databox.com. We're happy to help.

5 years ago

Add View-Only Users to Your Account & Share The Data, Not Editing Access

Add View-Only Users to Your Account & Share The Data, Not Editing Access

While you may need people on your team to be able to access performance data, not everyone needs to actually build reports or edit existing ones.

When too many people are doing this it creates added noise in your account which makes it harder to know which reports and metrics matter most.

That's why we've added the ability for you to add "view-only" users to your Databox account. This allows you to share performance with everyone without having to worry about that additional noise.

By adding a view-only user, you can ensure anyone on your team has access to performance data without allowing them to actually make changes to the reports or anything else you have set up in your account. They can only access Databoards.

Here’s how it works

5 years ago

New: Create Reusable Templates in Databox & Save Hours on Client Reports

New: Create Reusable Templates in Databox & Save Hours on Client Reports

Imagine that you only had to create reports ONCE and could easily replicate them across as many client accounts as you need.

Now, you can design your own templates, complete with the data sources, metrics, and visualizations that you need, and save them to your account so that they can be used for any client in just one click.

If you’ve used client templates before, you might be wondering, “What’s new?” Now, you can access these templates from within any client account. As before, the selected metrics and visualizations will populate automatically once the necessary data sources are connected.

Creating Account Templates is similar to creating new Databoards.

Here's how it works:
5 years ago

We’ve improved sharing + privacy options for your Databoards

We’ve improved sharing + privacy options for your Databoards

Starting today, we’re giving you more control over who can view the Databoards you create.

Want to quickly share a Databoard without giving someone full access to your Databox account? Use shareable links to easily share any Databoard with external stakeholders, i.e. clients, contractors, advisors, etc.

You can do this in just a couple of clicks. (You can see how in the video below.)

You can also use shareable links to quickly share Databoards with anyone on your team, too.

Also, speaking of sharing data internally, we’ve also updated your privacy options so you have better control over who has access to the Databoards you create.

Now when creating new Databoards, you can update the privacy settings from being visible only to you, to select users in your account, or to all users in your account.

Here’s how it works

5 years ago

Small improvements for visualizing performance

Small improvements for visualizing performance

We’re excited to share a few smaller improvements to the app that give you more flexibility over the way you can visualize your performance data in Databox.

Basically, these improvements allow you to pull more insights with less work.

Check out the video, where we're going to walk you through the following 4 improvements...

- Updates for how your data can be presented in pie charts

- Smart y-axis scaling for even more performance detail on all of your charts

- More flexibility in how your data is presented in Table visualizations, and...

- The ability to quickly change dimensions for certain metrics on your Home and Metrics screens

5 years ago

Get Performance Updates Delivered in Slack

Get Performance Updates Delivered in Slack

While everyone else is digging around different tools or combing through slides and spreadsheets, your clients' performance updates can be sent right to them... ...in Slack.

Yup. We just improved our Slack integration, which now allows you to automate daily, weekly, or monthly Scorecards and performance Alerts to any public Slack channel you want.

Just choose the most important metrics for any client, pick the time you want the update to be sent, and choose the Slack channel they want it delivered to.

You can even set this up for your agency so everyone has the most important KPIs top of mind.

Here’s how it works

5 years ago

Add Clients Quickly And Without Inviting Them to Your Account

Add Clients Quickly And Without Inviting Them to Your Account

Ready to track client performance in Databox, but not necessarily ready to invite clients to your account?

We've received feedback from agency customers that simply want to get started in tracking client performance right away.

Now, you no longer need to enter a client name and email address in order to add client accounts in Databox.

Instead, you can add new clients in bulk by simply typing the name of the client account and assigning an Account manager from your team to each client account.

Here’s how you do it.

5 years ago

No Direct Access to a Data Source? No Problem!

No Direct Access to a Data Source? No Problem!

The average company may track data from dozens of different tools. And when it comes to bringing all of that data into one place, you might not have access to all of the tools in order to do so.

Now, we’ve made it simple to get access to the tools you need in order to track performance.

You can request access to a certain Data Source directly from Databox.

This way, you avoid writing emails or Slack messages back and forth trying to get the admin permissions to a Data Source that you need to integrate within Databox to create your reports.

Here’s how you do it:

5 years ago

Filter Databoards by Creator & Find The Data You Need Quickly

Filter Databoards by Creator & Find The Data You Need Quickly

Do you ever feel like you spend more time trying to find data than you do analyzing it?

When multiple people and teams are building Databoards in order to track the metrics that are most important to them, it can get a little noisy and harder to find the things you need. Now, you can filter Databoards in your account by the person who created it.

This way, you spend less time trying to track down data from specific teams or individuals, and more time actually analyzing it and determining next steps...

Here’s everything you need to know about all of our Databoard filtering options.

P.S. We’re available to help you get anything set up, just respond here and let us know what you’re looking to track.

5 years ago

Easily Request Access to Data Sources Inside Databox

Easily Request Access to Data Sources Inside Databox
Sometimes, you might not have login access to the data sources you need to integrate with Databox. Well, we’ve now made it easier for you to request access right inside Databox so you don’t have to waste time on Slack, email, or elsewhere trying to get access from teammates.
5 years ago

A Quicker Way to Find Databoards

A Quicker Way to Find Databoards
Do you have multiple people building Databoards inside Databox? Now, it’s much easier to find specific Databoards built by each person by filtering Databoards by user. Find and dig into performance by department, by individual, and more.
5 years ago

New: Monitor All of Your Important Business Metrics From One Screen

New: Monitor All of Your Important Business Metrics From One Screen
Now, it only takes a few clicks for anyone in your organization to create a personalized view of all the metrics that matter to them, then collaborate with colleagues to select all the metrics that matter to your entire organization.

Once aligned around the right metrics, you can set goals, create alerts, build share-able dashboards, all directly from the Metrics screen in just a few clicks.

With the metrics Screen, your organization can eliminate the manual work of tracking performance and reporting and shift that time towards taking the actions that improve performance.
Learn more
6 years ago

New: Add Multiple Scorecard Recipients

New: Add Multiple Scorecard Recipients
We've made it easier for teams to stay up-to-date on their most important performance metrics. Now, account admins can add multiple recipients to Scorecards so everyone is aware of how key metrics are trending.
Learn more
6 years ago

New: The Google Sheets Integration is Live!

New: The Google Sheets Integration is Live!
Over the last year, Google Sheets has been the most requested Databox integration–by far. Today, that integration is now live.

Turn your Google Spreadsheets into interactive dashboards that are available on desktop, office TVs, and your mobile devices.

The Google Sheets integration is available with all plans that include our Query Builder functionality. If your plan has access to Query Builder, you can login and start using the Google Sheets integration, as of today.
Learn more
6 years ago

New: Schedule Looped Databoards in PDF format

The "Databoard Loop" feature gives you the ability to create comprehensive reports out of individual Databoards. Now you can schedule snapshots of such loops with just one click!

The new PDF option will combine all looped Databoards in a multi-page PDF that will be attached to the scheduled email.

Schedule now
6 years ago

Instantly Visualize 3,000+ Metrics from 65+ Data Sources

Instantly Visualize 3,000+ Metrics from 65+ Data Sources
Big updates to the app and dashboard designer (as well as 1,712 new pre-configured Datablocks) make it easier than ever to find and track the most important KPIs.

With Databox, we’ve pre-configured 3,000+ of the most common metrics from every integration we’ve built. Just connect any one of these 65 tools, then choose the metrics you want to instantly visualize. But, with these latest updates in Databox, we didn’t just add a significant number of new pre-built Datablocks for every one of our integrations. We also made improvements to help you quickly find and visualize the KPIs that are important to you.
Learn more
6 years ago

Embed Databoards: Share Live and Interactive Dashboards on Any Web Page or Application

Embed Databoards: Share Live and Interactive Dashboards on Any Web Page or Application
Need an easier way to share live dashboards on your website, wiki, or web application?

Now, with the Databoard Embed feature, you can share and publish live dashboards on any web page, blog post, wiki page, web application, or intranet portal.

The coolest part? Embedded Databoards are fully interactive and live, meaning they’ll update live, wherever they’re published, as the data changes.
Learn more
6 years ago

Introducing Flexible Grids

Introducing Flexible Grids
Now you can visualize your performance data with fewer clicks and in less time than ever before.

The new Databox Designer eliminates both limitations – fewer clicks are needed to reorder blocks, resize blocks or add new blocks to an already full Databoard. We’ve re-developed much of the code behind the Designer too, so it’s also much faster now.
Learn more
6 years ago

Combine Your Data with Data Calculations

Combine Your Data with Data Calculations
Data Calculations allows you to combine (add, subtract, multiply, divide) your business performance metrics from any source without a spreadsheet. With Databox’s new Data Calculations feature, one of the most challenging aspects of performance tracking has just been made infinitely easier.
Learn more
6 years ago
data integrations

New pre-defined Datablocks added for Intercom, Drift, Prosperworks, Google AdSense, and 6 others.

Part of our ongoing strategy is to add more predefined Datablocks to the Datablock Library, making it easier than ever for you to pull the right metrics and visualizations right into your dashboards, no code or design necessary. Data blocks are accessible on the left side panel of the Databox designer. Simply drag-and-drop the desired metrics into your dashboard and the data, and visualization, with populate automatically.

In this update, we have added new predefined Datablocks for Intercom, Drift, Mixpanel, Seventh Sense, ProsperWorks, Marketo, Google AdSense, Intrix CRM, BitBucket, and GitHub.

Any metrics you'd like to see in the Datablock Library? We'd love your feedback. Feel free to reach out via help@databox.com and request your metrics.

6 years ago

New metrics: Active Campaign, Stripe, Facebook and Pipedrive CRM

Our Active Campaign, Stripe, Facebook and Pipedrive CRM integrations were recently updated with new metrics. In total there are more than 30+ metrics available for you to build awesome data boards.

You have requested, we have added. 🎉

ActiveCampaign (4)
  • Automations
  • Automations by Status
  • Automations by Total Contacts Entered
  • Automations by Total Completions
Stripe (4)
  • Invoices sent
  • Invoices paid
  • Invoices open
  • Invoices overdue
Facebook (1)
  • Overall Page Rating
Pipedrive CRM (18)
  • Deals Started Amount by Deal Owner
  • Deals Started Amount by Pipeline
  • Deals Started Amount by Status
  • Deals Started by Deal Owner
  • Deals Started by Pipeline
  • Deals Started by Status
  • Deals Won Amount by Deal Owner
  • Deals Won Amount by Deal Creator
  • Deals Won Amount by Pipeline
  • Deals Won by Pipeline
  • Activities Added by Owner
  • Activities Completed by Owner
  • Calls Added by Owner
  • Meetings Added by Owner
  • Tasks Added by Owner
  • Emails Added by Owner
  • Lunches Added by Owner
  • Deadlines Added by Owner

List of metrics which we have renamed in order to be more self-explanatory:

  • Deals Started Amount (prior New Deals $)
  • Deals Started (prior New Deals)
  • Deals Won Amount (prior Deals won $)
  • Emails Sent (prior Emails)
  • Emails Received
  • Calls Added (prior Calls)
  • Meetings Added (prior Meetings)
  • Tasks Added (prior Tasks)

We love your feedback. Feel free to reach out via help@databox.com and request your metrics.

6 years ago

New predefined data blocks for MOZ, Xero, Active Campaign and others

Our continuous strategy is to add more and more predefined data blocks to our data block library. Predefined data blocks are accessible in the left side panel of the Databox designer and will help you to build even more powerful data boards for you or for your clients.

In this update, we have added new data blocks for HelpScout, Adobe Analytics, Active Campaign, Vimeo, Localytics, Xero and Moz.

6 years ago
data integrations

Teamwork Projects Query Builder

With the Teamwork Query Builder you can now connect the entire Teamwork account rather than just connecting to a specific company. All companies and project can be filtered by dimensions available within the Teamwork account and make it possible to create reports across company/projects.

If you’re a Query Builder beginner, here is a help doc to guide you through the tool.

The Query Builder is available on our more advanced plans. If not available in your current plan, feel free to reach out to help@databox.com to enable the Query Builder for a test period.

6 years ago
data integrations

Filter and segment your call performance metrics with the CallRail Query Builder

Our CallRail integration enables you to access 47 standard metrics and variety of date ranges.

To access even more metrics from CallRail we have built the CallRail Query Builder. The Query Builder allows you to access standard and custom metrics from your CallRail account, filter by specific parameters and choose from a variety of date ranges.

If you’re a Query Builder beginner, here is a help doc to guide you through the tool.

The Query Builder is available on our more advanced plans. If not available in your current plan, feel free to reach out to help@databox.com to enable the Query Builder for a test period.

6 years ago
data integrations

New date ranges for Adobe Analytics, Youtube, Facebook Ads and more

Our continuous strategy is to update our existing Databox integrations to the Default list of date ranges. Default date ranges enable Databox users to dive into historical data and build more powerful data boards.

Default date ranges are already supported for the majority of our existing data sources, starting with HubSpot Marketing, Google AdWords, Facebook Ads and more.

In this set of improvement, we've added default date ranges to Adobe Analytics and Youtube integration metrics, for Facebook Ads and Salesforce we've updated the Query Builder date ranges. For the Salesforce Query Builder also All time date range is supported.

Default date ranges: Today, Yesterday, This week, This month, This quarter, This year, Week to date, Month to date, Quarter to date, Year to date, Last 7 days, Last 14 days, Last 28 days, Last 30 days, Last 12 months (Year), Last week, Last month, Last Quarter, Last Year.

6 years ago
data integrations

New metrics: Shopify, HubSpot Marketing, Xero and more

In May we have added 20+ new metrics to our existing integrations, staring from Shopify, HubSpot Marketing to Youtube.

You have requested, we have added. 🎉

Shopify (9)
  • Gross Sales by Billing City
  • Net sales by Billing City
  • Total sales by Billing City
  • Orders by Billing City
  • Taxes by Billing City
  • Shipping by Billing City
  • Discounts by Billing City
  • Returns by Billing City
  • Quantity by Product Variant
Wistia (3)
  • Plays by Video
  • Actions
  • Actions by Video
HubSpot Marketing (6)
  • Emails Sent by Email Title (by Created)
  • Emails Delivered by Email Title (by Created)
  • Emails Sent by Email Title (by Created)
  • Emails Opens by Email Title (by Created)
  • Emails Clicks by Email Title (by Created)
  • Blog post views by blog
ProsperWorks (1)
  • Open Tasks by Owner
ActiveCampaign (1)
  • Contacts by tag
Xero (1)
  • Income by Type
HubSpot CRM
  • Companies by Owner
  • Open (unclosed) deals amount
Youtube (1)
  • Videos by Watch Time

We love your feedback. Feel free to reach out via help@databox.com and request your metric.

6 years ago
data integrations

New Integration: Track your top-ranking keywords with AccuRanker

With our new AccuRanker integration, you can analyze your tracked keyword performance and compare them against your competitor's domains added to your AccuRanker account.

Key metrics:

  • Share of Voice
  • Average Rank
  • Keyword Ranking Distribution
  • and +20 more

The easiest way to get started with analyzing your keyword performance is by using our free plug-and-play templates. We have prepared 3 templates just click on the images below to get started.

Template 1: Domain Overview

Template 2: Keyword Overview

Template 3: Competitors Overview

6 years ago

The All-New Scorecard

The All-New Scorecard

Scorecard sends you updates on your most important KPIs through email, mobile push notification, and/or Slack every day, week, or month.

We’ve made some pretty big updates that allow you and your team to take a more proactive approach to improving the business KPIs that matter most.

Learn more
7 years ago

New Datablock "Advanced table"

The waiting is finally over... A multi-column table has been one of the most requested features from our users. Today, we present you the Advanced table, which allows you to add up to 10 metrics. You can find the new table under "Visualization types" tab in the Databoard Designer. Check it out. Let us know what you think.
7 years ago

Account progress & certification

With our new certification programs, the “easiest to use” data visualization tool has made monitoring, improving, and reporting on performance even easier. Click the badge icon in the top right navigation of Databox. Here you’ll find the list of tasks needed to complete your current level, as well as the overall percentage you’ve completed.
7 years ago

Webapp improvements batch

In Januar we released many improvements and bugfixes:
  • Carousel (loop) icon shown on looped Databoards and
  • "Looped" Databoards filter added
  • Empty Table datablock now 'dynamic' by default
  • Databoard footer (sync information, master date range switcher) added to the preview popup
  • Home Databoard options (on hover) rearranged
  • Many 🐛 smashed